Saturday, October 31, 2009


As mentioned in the previous post I needed to build soundtouch in order to hopefully build Ardour but got no love from building soundtouch. It turns out I needed a more recent version of cdbs. So to build cdbs before I can build soundtouch before I can build Ardour.

Trouble is that as I tried to build cdbs from the jaunty repository I received an error rather than the expected and familiar unmet dependency. A quick Google search and I wasn't any better off. Therefore I do what I do best; I walked away and thought about it.

Thinking back from what I read I guessed that I might need to build the correct version of cdbs from the oldest release of Ubuntu, in this case intrepid.

I changed my sources.list so that I could get sources from the intrepid sources repository rather than jaunty.
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

and a changed this:
# Adding interpid sources for prevu
deb-src jaunty main restricted universe multiverse

to this:
# Adding interpid sources for prevu
deb-src intrepid main restricted universe multiverse

Now I needed to update my sources.
sudo apt-get update

Finally, I updated prevu.
sudo -E update-prevu

Now, I could follow the familiar steps.
mkdir cdbs
cd cdbs
apt-get source cdbs
cd cdbs-0.4.52ubuntu7

I really didn't think this would work but it did.

So now I've build cdbs with the correct required version so I can now build soundtouch (hopefully) and then build Ardour (also hopefully) without any more trouble.

Prediction: I expect soundtouch will build fine, but I would probably lay even money against Ardour building without some other trouble.

Lastly, I can now test how the prevu-update works. Specifically, do I need to actually install the latest cdbs on my system or can I just update prevu and let it recognize that a more recent version of cdbs is available from my local repository.


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